Support Our Ministry

Support Our Ministry

Our Mission

"The Center of Renewal is a community of service.  In the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, we provide hospitality, promote spiritual growth, and foster the development of people. Individuals and groups are welcome to this environment of peace and beauty."

Since Stella Niagara’s Center of Renewal is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt faith-based charitable organization, all donations to the Center of Renewal are tax-deductible.

With your monetary support, many individuals are able to attend retreats at the Center of Renewal who might otherwise not be able to participate at all in retreat-based spiritual growth opportunities. We are also able to improve the facility, furnishings, and grounds with your generous contributions.

We gratefully welcome your monetary gifts and other donations to help support our mission.

  • Donations via check should be made payable and mailed to Center of Renewal, 4421 Lower River Road, Stella Niagara NY 14144.
  • Donations via credit card can be made via PayPal (directions on this page) or by calling the Center of Renewal at (716)754-7376 with your credit card information. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
  • InKind donations are gratefully accepted; however, please contact us so we may determine if we are able to accept your thoughtful contribution.

We truly appreciate your support of our retreat center ministry!

Thank you!

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