Event Information

Published on Wednesday, June 28, 2017

12 Steps for Everyone: How & Why They Work in Everyday Life

Weekend Pre-Holiday Retreat by Sr. Ellie Martinez, GNSH

Event date: 12/8/2017 5:30 PM - 12/10/2017 12:00 PM Export event

December 8-10, 2017 (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch)

Enjoy the holiday season with a renewed spirit! The forces that inspired the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are the basic principles of spirituality that have led to “a new freedom and a new happiness” for millions of people around the world. These principles empower a personal spirituality that does not contradict any healthy belief system for an inspiring, self-confident and uplifting inner peace. When practiced, these steps can have a profound influence on anyone seeking a positive approach to healthy living … and not only for people battling addictions.

This retreat will provide insight into working the 12-Steps into our everyday lives, regardless of what we each face daily:

  • Why do they work?
  • What can they do for me at this stage in my life?
  • How can they be instrumental in helping me to help others?

Designed for women and men alike, you do NOT need to be a member of a 12-Step group to participate. But if you are, you can also enrich yourself with others at this weekend retreat at Stella Niagara’s Center of Renewal where all can recharge, refresh, rejuvenate, and renew!

Sister Eleanore Therese Martinez is a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart. She has been involved in retreat work for over thirty years and thoroughly enjoys prodding people into absorbing the good news of God’s unconditional love for them. She taught for 22 years and then began a 33-year professional ministry to those suffering from addiction. Her retreats earlier in 2017 at Stella Niagara received positive reviews, and we are pleased to have Sr. Ellie return to present retreats in her specialized ministry this December.

PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE (to avoid late fee): 3:00 PM on MONDAY, NOV. 27th

To pre-register, just call Center of Renewal or deliver this completed form with $50 deposit or full payment in check, cash, or credit card (call us with your VI-MC-DI credit card info.)

**Please do NOT send cash in the mail; only use cash if you are personally visiting the retreat center office to handle your reservation. PRE-REGISTER by MONDAY, Nov. 27TH

  • Option #1: $189 (Retreat + meals Friday dinner through Sunday lunch + single room for 2 nights)
  • Option #2: $140 for commuters and/or OSF/Sisters residing at Stella Niagara but NOT on formal meal plan (Retreat + meals in Center of Renewal Dining Room Friday dinner through Sunday lunch)
  • Option #3: $80 for OSF Sisters residing at Stella Niagara and on the formal meal plan (Meals for all retreatants from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch will be in the Center of Renewal Dining Room)

Please call 716-754-7376 for more information.

Registration Form

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